School start and End times
Start of the school day
- The school gates will be opened at 8.45am
School will start at 8.50am for ALL pupils
- Parents and pupils can use any of our school entrances to enter the school site (please use which one is most convenient for you)
- Staff will be out in the playground at 8.45am and pupils will be allowed to walk into the school building – they will not need to line up
- Part time nursery pupils - AM - pupils 8.50am – 11.50am
PM - pupils 12.15pm - 3.15pm
End of the school day
- 3.20pm finish for pupils in Reception to Y6
The total time this amounts to in a typical week is 32.5 hours.
- At the end of the school day pupils will line up outside with their class teacher
- Parents to wait in the playground and pupils will be dismissed by their teacher from their class line when a parent is seen.