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Franciscan Primary School

Vision & Values

At Franciscan we constantly strive for success and believe all our children can achieve excellence through high quality, inspirational teaching and learning.

We value the cultural diversity of our school community which is at the heart of our vision and ethos.

We aim to be:

  • A welcoming school where everyone matters in a caring, safe and secure environment.
  • An aspirational school with high expectations, that promotes a lifelong love of learning through a fun, challenging and creative curriculum.
  • A school which encourages and motivates each pupil to be the best they can be, through developing a positive attitude.
  • A school community in which everyone shows respect and takes responsibility for themselves, others and the environment.
  • An inclusive school that explores and celebrates diversity, working with the wider community to enrich the learning experiences for all.
  • A nurturing school offering opportunities to develop the whole child, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally building self-esteem and confidence.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Our vision is to provide an education of the highest quality within the context and understanding of shared values; care, consideration, cooperation, honesty, responsibility, respect and openness. Overall as a school we endorse UN Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC) and this is at the heart of our school ethos : rights and respect in all relationships, whether between children or children and adults. We aim to empower children to engage in collaborative decision making and develop positive relationships on all levels across the school community.