Art at Franciscan
The art curriculum at Franciscan Primary School is designed to nurture creativity and personal expression, cultivate a range of artistic skills, and expose pupils to the diverse contributions of influential artists throughout history.
Within each topic, pupils are encouraged to critically analyse existing works of art, explore and record their own artistic ideas, practise creative skills, and apply them with confidence. Art lessons at Franciscan ensure that, in addition to acquiring new skills, pupils have opportunities to revisit their learning and build upon their abilities as they progress through the school. We strike a balance between observational and experimental activities, allowing pupils to represent the world around them while also feeling confident in experimenting with techniques and ideas. At the end of each topic, pupils have opportunities to reflect and evaluate their own pieces of work.
We understand the importance of instilling an appreciation for the arts, as it deepens pupils’ understanding of the world around them. By introducing them to renowned artists and their artworks, we help them develop visual literacy, cultural understanding, and creative thinking skills. We encourage creativity through art books, designed to gather information, explore and develop skills, and record responses.
We recognize art as a powerful tool for communication and self-expression, enabling pupils to convey their ideas and responses to the world around them. As they develop their unique artistic styles, they will have ample opportunities to develop drawing skills and explore colour, form, pattern, and texture through a variety of techniques and processes. Our art curriculum aims to equip pupils with the necessary skills and artistic experiences to fuel their imagination and flourish as artists.