The Trust has consulted on its schools' admission arrangements for September 2020 entry.
Franciscan became part of the Graveney Trust in September 2018.
As a result, responsibilty for admission to the school transferred from the Local Authority to the Graveney Trust. The Trust proposed introducing a new admissions criterion giving priority to the children of staff working at the school, as is the case in its other schools. It also proposed to bring its Nursery admission criteria in line with those of Franciscan Primary School.
The consultation has finished and the changes to the criteria have been finalised. Please see attached the admission criteria for Franciscan Primary School.
Reception Entrants
Outcomes for September 2025
If you applied online you will be emailed the outcome of your application on the evening of 16 April 2025. If you applied on a paper form, you will be sent an outcome letter by first class mail on 16 April 2025. Please also see information in Choose a Wandsworth Primary School.
Nursery Applications (Criteria)
The following information is taken from the Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth (2024 version currently unavailable).
Franciscan Primary School Nursery and Reception spaces are subject to a priority area. Children living in the areas are given priority over those living elsewhere. However living in a priority area does not guarantee a place at the school. This will depend on the demand for places from people living in the priority area in a particular year. Parents are advised to apply to other schools as well, in case their application is unsuccessful.
Admission criteria for Franciscan Primary school places are offered in the following order:
- Children looked after, or who have an allocated social worker who has provided written support of the application or children who are the subject of adoption, residence order, child arrangements order or special guardianship order who were previously looked after by a Local Authority.
- Children who are recommended for a place at that school following an action plan agreed by a multidisciplinary group (for example TAC).
- Children living inside the priority area with a brother or sister who will still be at the school in September 2024.
- Other children living inside the priority area in order of distance from home to the school in a straight line.
- Other children living outside the priority area with a brother or sister who will still be at the school in September 2024.
- Children who live nearest to the school as measured by a straight line from home to school as calculated by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System.
Exceptional Circumstances
The Director of Education and Social Services has discretion to give higher priority where:
- A parent or guardian provides professionally supported evidence at the time of application that their child has an acute medical or personal need for a place.
- Refusal of a place would result in an unreasonable journey to an alternative school.
Applications within any of the above categories will be considered in order of distance from home to school as measured by a straight line by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System.
Nursery Entrants 2 Year Old Provision (Application Form)
Please apply to the school directly using the Application form below.
Nursery Application Form for 2 Year Olds
Parents can apply for a place in our 2-year old provision which offers part time places.
Parents can apply for part time places either 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions. A part time morning place is from 8.50am to 11.50am. An afternoon session is from 12.15pm to 3.15pm. We do not offer full-time or full day sessions for 2-year olds.
15-hour funding is available for 2-year olds and is available the term following the child’s second birthday and when they are at least 28 months old.
Please click on the link to check eligibility and apply for the funding code
For those parents who are not entitled to the 15 hours, the school is also able to offer parents the option to pay for their child’s part time place. Please see the Terms and Conditions and Application Form by clicking on the link
Nursery Entrants 3-4 Year Old Provision (Application Form)
Please apply to the school directly using the Application form below.
Nursery Application Form for 3 Year Olds
Parents can apply for full time or part time places subject to availability.
For part time, parents can choose from either 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions or 2 and half days. A morning part-time place is from 8.50am to 11.50am. An afternoon session is from 12.15pm to 3.15pm.
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
The EYPP is additional funding for early years providers to improve the education of three and four year olds whose parents/carers meet the eligibility criteria.
Please find the Eligibility Checking Form here
Further information can be found at: Thrive Wandsworth
30 and 15 Hour Entitlement
From September 2017, as part of the government’s manifesto, working parents of 3 and 4 year olds will receive a total of 30 hours of funded childcare a week, for 38 weeks a year. This will comprise of:-
- The universal 15 hours that will still be available for all 3 and 4 year olds.
- An additional 15 hour entitlement for working families.
These funded places are available from the term following the child’s third birthday.
For more information please click on the link Funding
Nursery Top Up
From the 2017-18 academic year, for those parents who are not entitled to the extra 15 hours, the school is also able to offer parents the option to pay to top up their child’s part time place to a full time place.
For more information, please contact the School Office.
In Year Admissions
If you are moving into the area, you have arrived from another country or you want to transfer your child to another school, then please feel free to contact us to arrange a visit. If you wish to apply for a place in the school, applications must be made directly with Wandsworth Council.