Learning Resources
Here at Franciscan we want to support learning beyond the school day.
Below you will find links and short descriptions to the on-line services that the school pays for to help support your child's learning across a variety of areas.
All the sites require a user name and password which should have been passed to you, if you don't have those details, please ask your class teacher. When you select the link, a new window will take you to the website for that service.
Many of the sites also require additional software such as Adobe Flash to be installed. You can download Flash from the Adobe website by clicking on the link below.
Mathletics is an on-line service that provides a fun and challenging environment for children to learn and improve their Numeracy skills. Franciscan has paid for home access in the Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6). If you haven't received a user name and password please ask your child's teacher.
Each child has an individual account and Mathletics records the results so that children from across the world can effectively compete against one another.
Purple Mash is an on-line suite of educational games and activities that provide a fun learning environment, and is available to all pupils at Franciscan from Key Stage One upwards.
There are Artistic, Numeracy and Computing games available as well as activities focusing on curriculum based topics such as Black History Month, Harvest festival and children's authors like Roald Dahl.
Education City is another broad suite of tools catering for the whole school, from Early Years to Key Stage Two. From their website:
Through the use of educational games and e-Learning tools, EducationCity.com offers engaging content directly aligned to the curriculum in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, helping you to pinpoint quickly and effectively content that matches your lesson objectives. From online maths games to spelling tests, EducationCity.com offers many online activities for children.
Bug Club is a reading club for Key Stage One and Two. From the Bug Club website:
Bug Club is a whole-school reading service for Reception, KS1 and KS2 that transforms young readers into life-long readers. Children are instantly engaged in their own personalised reading world. Interactive activities, characters they know and love and rewards keep them motivated. It's perfect for their independent reading journey.