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Franciscan Primary School

Our Staff

Staff at Franciscan Primary School work together to ensure that the children, who are at the heart of our school, are given the best education, support and schooling experience there is to offer.

Our highly qualified and experienced Teachers offer the children an all-round exceptional education, under the guidance and support of a Leadership Team striving to move the school forward.

The Teaching Assistants, Learning Mentors and Administration staff are all vital to the successful running of the school and take pride in ensuring that the children are the focus of our work.

Leadership Team

Fahri Francis - Head Teacher

Lisa Ferguson - Early Years Phase Lead

Maria Gurdas -  Y1/Y2/Y3 Phase Lead

Diane Nam -  Y4/Y5/Y6 Phase Lead

Juliette Beedie - SENCO

School Office

 Marian Thompson - Office Manager

Suzie Pourou - Office Administrator

Teachers and Teaching Assistants

CLASSES Teachers Teaching Assistants

SAPLING - Nursery

2-year olds

Kerry-Jo Barnard 

Jane Emmerson

CHERRY - Nursery

3-year olds

Lisa Ferguson


Maleenie Visakaratnam

Claire Robinson

Natalie Parchment

ELM  - RECEPTION Zenia Macdonald

Rachel Nelson

BEECH  - Y1 Naomi Kabutey

Lindsey Casey

Tillie Pope LSA

LAUREL  - Y2 Maria Gurdas

Sharon Pourou

Alannah Nelson LSA

Farhia Ali-Siad Hindi LSA

CYPRESS - Y3 Riswan Niazi

Misbah Qureshi 

Sandra Williams LSA

LINDEN  - Y4 Michaela Howard

Zubaida Housein

Debbie Douglas LSA

ASPEN  - Y5 Diane Nam

Kim Woolnough


Lindsey Beers


CHESTNUT  - Y6 Vivienne Dompreh

Nicole Grace 


Lindsey Beers (Thursday)

Hayley Grace LSA

Lalita Seeboruth LSA


Other Teachers

PE Coach - Daniel Hamilton

Music - David Fitzgerald - Music Teacher (0.6 fte)/Wandsworth Schools Music

French - Helene Juan

Learning Mentor - Marsha McIntosh