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Franciscan Primary School

Our Governors

Our Governing Body is made up of the following:

  • Parent Governors who have a child at the School and are elected by other parents
  • Staff Governors who are members of the teaching/support staff at the School and are elected by their colleagues
  • Local Authority Governors who are appointed by the Council through the political parties
  • Co-Opted Governors who are appointed by other governors as representatives of the wider local community as business representatives or because of particular skills that they can bring to the Governing Body

The Headteacher is also a School Governor. In addition, other members of the Senior Leadership Team, attend and act as Advisors and Associates.

Kathy MacLean - Chair of Governors

 Kathy MacLean is a teacher and an educational consultant with over 30 years of experience of working in Education.

She is currently a member of staff at UCL Institute of Education where she is a Professional Tutor and Lecturer on the ITE Teach First programme.

Previously Kathy was the Head of Ethnic Minority Achievement Service at Wandsworth Council. Her work included a particular focus on ensuring access to the curriculum for pupils for whom English is an additional language (EAL) and raising the attainment of Black and Minority Ethnic pupils.

Kathy is passionate about overcoming barriers to educational achievement and ensuring that all children are able to achieve their potential. 

She is the Education Director on the board of the Pop Up Festival of Stories  and a volunteer tour guide for the National Trust.

David Hayes - Trust Governor

David has more than 15 years’ experience as a governor both at Graveney School and Links Primary School. He started out as a parent governor at Graveney School and after his child graduated stayed on to continue in this role. He is also a director of Graveney Trust and so has a keen interest in seeing Franciscan Primary School’s children achieve their potential. He is a freelance journalist and photographer and enjoys travelling.

Vernon Buckle - Co-opted Governor

Vernon is a retired Civil Servant living locally in Tooting and being a School Governor has allowed him to contribute to the community. 

During his time in HMRC (1995-2020), amongst others functions, Vernon solicited the preparation of Explanatory Memoranda, HMRC’s input to the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s annual Budget,  Ministerial Correspondence and International Relations, handling confidential/sensitive information.

For many years Vernon sat on the Public & Commercial Union’s Black & Asian Members Equality Advisory Committee. Vernon is utterly committed to Diversity and the various Equality strands (in line with the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equality Act 2010) as well as the adherence to the rule of law.  From 2006-2011, Vernon was a School Governor for Wilson’s School in Wallington, Surrey as well as a member of Friends of St Thomas More School, Cadogan Street, in the early 90s.  

Theo Dick - Co-opted Governor

Theo grew up in Balham and is looking forward to stepping into the Governor role here in the local community. Theo is passionate about education policy, and keen to learn more about and support the amazing work of our education professionals. 

Theo is a full-time civil servant, currently working as a Free Trade Agreement Policy Advisor at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) as part of the Civil Service Fast Stream. In the past, Theo has worked as an International Migration Policy Advisor at the Home Office; as the Strategy and Policy Projects Lead on secondment to Crest Advisory, a crime and justice consultancy; and as Assistant Private Secretary to the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Before joining the Fast Stream, Theo studied Philosophy.

Marian Thompson - Co-Opted Governor

Marian has worked at the school since September 1996. Since joining the school Marian has worked in many different guises, but is currently employed as the school's Parent Partnership Worker. Her role unites the school, with the parents and our children's home life. Marian is also the chair of the school PTFA

Tan Jeraj - Parent Governor

Tan has been a local resident all his life and is very keen in contributing to the area through his business and voluntary work.

He currently has children attending Franciscan Primary School and is a local business owner working in residential property management.

Tan's desire for seeing positive change and supporting the local community, has driven him to become a parent governor.

Clemence Marotana - Parent Governor

Clemence moved to Wandsworth three years ago and has children at Franciscan Primary School. She has volunteered at the School over the years and is now excited about contributing to the local community through being a governor.

She currently works as a freelance community interpreter (French) and is passionate about baking.

John Locker - Local Authority

John moved to Wandsworth 15 years ago after studying History at University. He works in the Telecommunications business as Head of Industry Engagement for Talk Talk, having previously held a number of commercial roles at BT. John is an LA governor and has previously served as a local Councillor.

If you would like to contact a governor about any matter, you should do so via the Assistant Clerk to the Governors, Jacqui Griffiths, who can be reached on 0208 682 7047 or alternatively via email at jgriffiths@graveney.wandsworth.sch.uk.